Artificial Intelligence: Misogynistic futures without women

Warning! This post if full of spoilers of the 2001 movie AI, which, if you haven't seen yet, you really don't need to. It is looong and cheesy, and oh boy does Spielberg have mommy issues! Send him to therapy please. Anyways, here is the rambling: Reproducing without women has been a constant nightmarish fantasy of white men, and it could be read as the underlying motivation under the whole project of scientific discourse under European enlightenment, AKA the philosophical and political project of white men to demonstrate their superiority and thus the need to exclude women and men of colour and non binary folks from political power. And, as is expected, rampant sexist jokes and representations abound from the beginning of this 2001 Stephen Spielberg's movie. A.I. Artificial Intelligence revolves around a white man's project of creating a (white) child who will be able to love. Yes, a futuristic Ghepetto. The creepiest part, he is conceived as the replacement of the sc...